Sunday 21 October 2012

MUA Review & Foundation Revelation

In one of my recent posts I said about the MUA stuff I'd bought online and after today I've used all of the products. Firstly if you're thinking about ordering any MUA products online rather than going into a store, I totally recommend it. I ordered my things late one evening and 2 mornings later they had arrived, so really fast postage!
See the things I bought here.

Nail Constellation -  I only tried this quickly on one nail because I was really excited but didn't have the time to do all of my fingers, so I didn't take any decent pictures. However I'm sure most people know what they look like by now, haha. After reading other reviews on them I decided not to even try the application method they provide. Instead, I poured a small amount of the tiny little balls into the smallest dish I could find and dipped my fingernail into it. It worked pretty well, and any bits that were missed I just pressed a few gently on with my fingers. They stick really solidly which I was pleasantly surprised by and they look really great! I'm looking forward to getting another colour combination when I order more.

Matte Foundation - When I'd first put this on all over my face I wasn't too sure about it. It was quite sticky and made me feel quite clammy. I left it for a few minutes before I put any powder on and it'd dried up fine and the powder made it better too. It was really really nice on the 'good bits' of my skin. Any blemishes etc it doesn't have great coverage on but with a concealer it'd be fine. I much prefer it to my current foundation, it's smooth and not at all cakey. And at £2, it's my new favourite!

Blusher - The blusher I got is lovely too! It isn't as soft as in the picture on the website but it's still fitting for the weather. It's got a nice, subtle shimmer too it as well.

Extreme Felt Eyeliner - At £2 I was skeptical but again, I really really love it. It's just as easy to apply as any eyeliner pen I've used before and it's just as dark, black and slick. And after wearing it all day, it's not moved. It's definitely going to become something I use on a daily basis.

Lipgloss Tube - This was a fair bit darker in the tube than on the picture online but when I applied it it was lighter. Has a nice, subtle shimmer to it. Really nice to carry around for a quick gloss up.

Lipstick - The shade was just what I wanted! Still darker like my other favourite MUA lipstick but with less of a bright pinky tone. It's nice and creamy and for a £1 lipstick lasts for a decent amount of time. The only time I had to reapply quite a bit was after eating which I expected. It has a nifty end that unscrews as well. I'm not sure what the convenience of it is, but I still think it's cool! I've always been of the opinion that I don't particularly suit lipstick up until recently so I'm glad to now have 2 that I'll be happy to wear any day of the week :)

All in all I was really pleased with every single thing that I bought. All of my make up today was MUA apart from mascara and translucent powder. If anything my make up was a lot better because the foundation matched my skin tone a lot more than the other one I usually use. I'll honestly probably switch to using the MUA one because not only does it seem to work better with my skin but it's only £2. You can't really see the blusher in the picture but I've only used my phone for pictures. In real life you can see the pink and shimmer just a tad :)

And most importantly, it lasted through to the end of the night and through the cat cuddles.

Chloe x

Friday 19 October 2012


I MAY have bought these this morning. I've been looking at heeled loafers for a while now. I've not been able to bring myself to buy flat loafers and the heeled ones look so much more feminine. I've seen quite a lot of designs of them though and I'm really fussy about them and haven't liked a majority. Saw these online last night though and I 100% loveeeeeeeeee them. They were super cheap as well so I'm glad I waited and didn't hastily buy any old pair.

What styles of heels are you guys loving at the minute?

Chloe x

Thursday 18 October 2012

A Tenner Well Spent... Hopefully.

I bought 4 things from MUA on a trip to Superdrug a couple of months ago (2 lipsticks, 1 blusher, 1 nail polish) and the blusher has become a daily use item for me and one of the lipsticks I am absolutely in love with. Wasn't too crazy on the colour of the other lipstick and the nail polish was a bit awkward and little, but for spending £4 and finding 2 staple things that I love I'm definitely happy. Unfortunately I haven't been to a Superdrug since and haven't been able to pick up any other cheap things by them to try. So, after finding on a late night check-up on my bank balance tonight that I've got a tad extra cash than I expected, I've done a mini spree on the MUA website!

I've seen the Nail Constellation on a few blogs and been quite eager to crack on and try it on my own nails so the first thing I've ordered is the Nail Constellation in Pisces. Super super excited for this and how much/little mess I'll make! 

I got the Matte Foundation in shade 2 'Honeycomb'. I NEED to start trying new foundations out. I've been using Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse for so long now and I've just fallen out of love with it and it's price tag. It's not massively expensive but I always seem to frown when it comes to needing a new one. Anyway, the reviews on the MUA website were good so here's hoping! I also got a different shade of blusher (Shade 1). It's slightly softer than the one I have and I think it'll be a nice pink for winter and when my skin goes a bit paler. I've also got the Extreme Felt Eyeliner in Black. I love love love wearing liquid eyeliner but I can't put it on properly without a pen like eyeliner ( I probably could put it on properly but I'm too lazy for the whole 'practice makes perfect' thing with it). Usually they're more expensive than other versions of liquid eyeliner so at £2 I'm more than happy to give it a go as it's something I buy quite regularly.


Lastly, I've got 2 new things to coat my lips in. I love the lipstick from MUA, it doesn't last all day but for £1 I can so put up with that. I've ordered Shade 6 which is quite dark like the other one I have (that I love), but it's got less of a bright pinky tone to it. The Lipgloss Tube I've bought in Shade 1. It's  lovely and shimmery and reminds me of one I used to have from The Body
 I wasn't too sure about it but it reminds me of the Models Own nail polish 'Indian Ocean' from the Beetlejuice collection which I've been wearing a lot lately, so that sort of swayed me! I think it'll go really well with the new blusher as well and feel pretty christmassy :)

I'm reeeeeally excited for it all to come and I'll most definitely do a post about them along with the other MUA products I have. If the things I have already are anything to go by, they are most definitely well worth their money. 

And 6 items for a tenner?! If only money stretched that far all of the time.

Chloe x

Tuesday 16 October 2012

My Hair And Its Changing Colour

Up until recently I'd been various shades of blonde for about 4 or 5 years. About a year ago I tried to go red and it was a huge mistake with many tears, haha. It really put me off changing my hair because of how attached I felt to it when it all went wrong and within a week or 2 I'd had a hairdresser friend sort it out back to blonde for me. But recently, after some gentle persuasion, I did decide to dye my hair again and it's been the best decision ever. Within the last 2 months I've had so many different shades in my hair and I haven't had a problem, I've loved it!

Before I started dyeing it a couple of months ago, my hair was the blonde above^. Even though I changed it from that, I love having my hair that colour. The first colour I went to from blonde was the light, pastel purple to the left<. I LOVE it that colour but with the particular dye that I use, it washes out fairly quickly (almost giving you a completely different shade each time you wash it which is quite fun). It's so easy to do though and so cheap, so I don't mind having to redo it every so often. 


So every time this was washing out, it would go to the silvery white (on the left<) sometimes with a few purple tinges and streaks in certain lights. I did get a couple of comments from people asking if I'd started using a silver rinse (trying to be funny about the grey hints of hair) but it's to be expected of people that aren't really into different hair colours/fashion and things. And again I really really loved it so I really didn't mind about the odd boring humour comment.

Then (in the picture below) I left it silvery purple at the top, added some darker purple through the middle and then some bright pink at the bottoms (which I liked best in a ponytail, looked super cool!).

When the pink in the bottom had started to fade, I left that and put some brighter purple through all of the rest of my hair (left<). But instead of using a dye that was already purple, I mixed a blue and a pink together to make a purple with a different tone. The blue and the pink that I mixed together were different makes of semi-permentant hair dye and the make of the blue one definitely lasts longer as since it's washed out and faded, the pink/purple has completely gone and just left a blue tinge (see below).

The picture to the right> is what my hair currently looks like. I've been busy over the last week or 2 so haven't really bothered with topping up the colour. I've got some whitey silvery bits with blue tinges at the top, some pastel-y purple through the middle and then pinks and some small bits of blonde I have left at the bottom. It's not my favourite this colour but I do still like it and I have had a couple of comments from people walking by saying they like my hair which is always nice! With the dyes that I'm using (mainly Directions and sometimes Crazy Color) it does wash out quite quickly and some people might find that annoying or a bit off putting but I love the fact that it's out so quickly so that you can try something else again. And hey, if you don't like it... it'll have faded enough within about 3/4 washes to put something over the top again. And if you do find  that you want to stick with a particular colour, there are ways of helping maintain it for longer or go the full hog, seek out a hairdresser and get it dyed permanently that way. 

I'm sure in another month or 2 I'll have another 5 pictures, all with completely different colours again. Who knows, I might even try some new colours instead of different shades of pink and purple. The possibilities are endless and it's so exciting! If you're hesitant about wanting to try an 'out there' colour, I'd definitely recommend it! Just do your research so you can achieve as close to the colour that you want :)

Chloe x 

British Bootsales And Hair

Hello! Been busy the last few days with the family and various other things but of course, I've still managed to buy stuff. Not clothes though, things for my bedroom. Went to a good old British bootsale and got a gorgeous dressing table. I need to have a serious clear out to fit it in so it's sat in the living room at the moment but the cats are liking the extra climbing spot. I did also pick up 2 dresses, some cute little candles including a tiny little china elephant and a slate heart. Love bootsales! 

The girl who I got the dresses from was my favourite because she said she loved my hair, haha. Another lady walking down a corridor yesterday also said she liked it and it made me think about all the different colours it's been recently which I'll make a post about later :)

Chloe x

Friday 12 October 2012

Bids, boots and guinea pigs

Yesterday I got 2 things on eBay that I am super excited about! Super super excited about. First thing I won was this bomber style jacket. I've been looking at jackets like this since last winter and the fur collar is an added bonus, it looks so cosy! And the cost of it you ask? Under a tenner (and that's with postage as well). It couldn't really be any more purse friendly. It's not a great make or anything but I'm really not fussed as long as stuff looks how I want it to.
The second thing I bought were some barely worn Dr Martens (something I've also wanted for quite a long time). I couldn't really afford them even though they were selling for quite a bit less than what they're sold for new but I still kept going on about them because hey, a girl can dream.  It did good to keep talking about them because my Mum suggested asking my Nan to maybe put some towards them for an early Christmas present. After a quick phone call she said yes and boom, I snapped them up. There were a couple of other pairs the same style as well but these ones were the only ones with the pink laces and they completely won me over. I MAY have already started planning outfits to go with these.

Also yesterday we went to Hobbycraft and got some card making things, made my first one today and popped it up on Etsy :) And we had a quick stop in at Pets At Home to  'Aww!' at all of the animals pick up some grub for Roxy and the cats. Usually it's the rabbits I love the most in there but for some reason I was going a bit gaga for the guinea pigs. They had about 30 at the front of the store in 2 'cages' and they lured me in with their mental hairstyles.

Also had a lovely day today which I'll post about later or tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a good week :) TGIF! 
Chloe x

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Getting post, Top Shop & more cats

One of the best things about having a mini Ebay addiction, apart from the obvious of cheap clothes, is having so much mail! I genuinely had no idea about what I'd ordered either this morning so it was like getting presents.

I got a lemony, sleeveless, button up top with a collar which is nice! And then in the same sort of style but longer, a denim one with a few studs on the fronts of the shoulders. My absolute bargain came as well today, my Top Shop skirt! I won it for £1.04 and saw the exact same one last night and it had reached about £9.50. Needless to say, I'm super super happy with what I paid and it's actually better than I thought which makes it 10 times better, haha.

I've had a morning browse and bid on a nice playsuit and I'm watching a brown biker-ish jacket with a fur collar. Oh how I wish I had endless money. Meanwhile the cats are skitting around the house and making a tonne of noise. You wouldn't think they're annoying when they look as cute as they do.

Winners and Losers has finished downloading now though so I can block them out with that. Does anyone else love Winners and Losers or am I the only one? I randomly watched an episode on Itvplayer and I absolutely love it.

Monday 8 October 2012

Hello Goodbye

Quick little intro post before I go to sleep!

My name's Chloe and it's likely that I'll mostly post about the things above ^. I can't promise to be interesting but I'd quite like to write little bits and bobs about the things that I see, buy, hear and my little best friend that I get to cuddle at night (below) and her big grumpy brother.
I'll do a proper entry soon but I wanted my blog to look less bare and have more cat on it :)